One Ash Quarry

I share local residents’ concerns about a planning application for a sand and gravel quarry at Lodge Farm next to One Ash Roundabout and the A6, between Quorn and Bull in the Hollow. 

I am particularly concerned that the application site forms part of the area of separation between Quorn and Loughborough, the importance of which has recently increased further given the proximity of a Miller Homes development currently being built. If both sites are developed, the area of separation between the quarry and the nearest point in Loughborough would be less than 300 metres. I am also concerned about the potential impact this proposal would have in terms of noise, dust, flooding, loss of agricultural land and visual impact on the surrounding area.

I have, therefore, worked to make my objection to the proposed quarry clear and co-ordinate local residents’ opposition, having:

  • Visited the site of the proposed quarry to hear local residents’ concerns
  • Written to Leicestershire County Council opposing the proposal when it was at a scoping application stage
  • Met with the applicant to discuss the application and urge them to hold a public meeting
  • Sent out a leaflet in Quorn asking people to contact me if they supported my campaign to stop the quarry, to which I received 163 responses
  • Included a segment about the proposals in an article I wrote for The Quorndon to raise awareness of my campaign and keep local residents updated
  • Written to Leicestershire Country Council to object to the official application on the grounds I have set out above

Going forward, I am continuing to monitor Leicestershire County Council’s Planning Portal for a determination and make my objections clear.