Prioritising Brownfield Land for Development

I know that planning is one of the biggest concerns to local residents, in particular, the development of the countryside. Therefore, I have consistently urged the Government to take a brownfield-first approach to planning. 

As part of my work on this, I have:

  • Responded to the Government's consultation on changing the standard method for assessing local housing need (my letter can be found below)
  • Responded to the Government's consultation on reforming the planning system (my letter can be found below)
  • Written an article for ConHome which focusses on creating beautiful towns and supporting high streets
  • Written an essay for a paper on the need to introduce a levy for each property built on a greenfield site
  • Asked a written question on designating brownfield sites around cities for residential development
  • Asked a written question on encouraging development of brownfield land
  • Asked an oral question on utilising the brownfield land around Leicester for housebuilding 

I welcome that the Government is currently holding a consultation on changes to national planning policy to support brownfield development, which I will be responding to.