As the Member of Parliament for Loughborough, I am keen to listen to all of your views on subjects which are important to you. One such example of this, which I have received several comments from constituents on, is the proposed expansion of the Tarmac Quarry.
I have been in written correspondence and meetings to discuss the topic and recently I asked members of my office team to attend two public meetings of residents (as the meetings were held on Westminster days) who were discussing the expansion of the quarry. A number of issues were raised with the proposed expansion, which residents supported. I am happy to continue to work with the groups in addition to individual residents and make representations to Tarmac to make sure that their voices are heard and any questions that they have are answered.
One issue that was raised at the Quorn meeting, was protecting the unique heritage of the village. Shortly after the meeting took place, I was invited to attend a dig for ancient artefacts on the Quorn House site and I asked that a representative from Quorn Local History Group was also invited to see the dig with me. The purpose of the dig was to understand if there are any ancient artefacts that would be disturbed if the quarry were to be extended. At the time of the visit 77 test digs had been opened. Mainly drainage pipes had been found, although there was some pottery found too in one dig. It was thought that this was a dump site.
Jane Hunt MP