
T Level Centre Opened

Campaign Update: a new T-Level centre has been built in Loughborough, thanks to £2.3 million in Government funding, which is already having a huge impact on the skill levels of local residents. --- I am passionate about creating a clear pathway into skilled employment for everyone - not just those

East Midlands Freeport Delivered

Campaign Update: the Freeport is now in operation and the Government has agreed to extend the deadline for businesses to claim tax relief from 5 years to 10 years, ensuring that there are no barriers to start-up and growth --- I am delighted that the Government has approved a freeport at East

Asbestos Register & Removal

Campaign update: I hope to re-introduce a Private Members' Bill calling for a deadline for the removal of asbestos, as well as an asbestos register. --- I share local residents’ concerns about the presence of asbestos in our schools, hospitals and other workplaces, and the impact exposure to it is

One Ash Quarry

I share local residents’ concerns about a planning application for a sand and gravel quarry at Lodge Farm next to One Ash Roundabout and the A6, between Quorn and Bull in the Hollow.  I am particularly concerned that the application site forms part of the area of separation between Quorn and L

Asylum Seeker Accommodation

I share local residents’ concerns about the number of people arriving in the UK on small boats and the use of local facilities to accommodate them. While I wholeheartedly believe that the UK should continue to provide refuge to those fleeing in genuine fear of their lives from around the world thro

Data Redaction for Police Forces

I share the concerns of Leicestershire Police Federation about the first and third data protection principles contained within the Data Protection Act 2018, which are imposing unnecessary and burdensome redaction obligations on police officers.

A Place that is Home

Being able to afford a home of your own should be within reach of everybody in every community.