
'Business as Usual' in Shepshed

Jane Hunt MP has urged residents to continue shopping local in Shepshed despite the improvement works that are taking place.

Loughborough Heritage Trail Launch

Jane Hunt MP attended the launch of the Town Deal funded heritage trail in Loughborough. The Discover Loughborough Heritage Trail will help people find out more about our town’s rich heritage at 15 fascinating locations in Loughborough.

Shepshed Watermill Update

The Charnwood Borough Council Plans Committee meeting held at the end of July was all about Shepshed and Hathern. Having submitted my objections to the Hathern Rd, Shepshed application opposite the watermill, I went along to listen to the discussion and hear the outcome.

The 2022/23 Parliamentary Year

As we come to the end of the parliamentary year, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with an update of what has been happening over the year both in Westminster and in the constituency.

Jane Hunt MP meets with Access Group Director

Jane Hunt MP met with the Access Group Director at their site on the Loughborough University campus to talk about private equity and how to attract more companies to Loughborough.